
The Stimulus filter makes it easier to build Stimulus controllers.

When a class definition is encountered that derives from Stimulus::Controller, the following transformations are applied:

  • an import statement for Stimulus will be generated if the esm filter is also applied.

  • initialize methods are not mapped to constructors.

  • Unqualified references to application and element are prefixed with this.. As will each of the identifiers mentioned in the next three bullets.

  • If any of the following are found, “x” will be addded to the list of static targets if not already present: xTarget, xTargets, hasXTarget.

  • If any of the following are found, “x” will be addded to the list of static values with a type of String if not already present: xValue, xValue=, hasXValue.

  • If any of the following are found, “x” will be addded to the list of static classes if not already present: xClass, hasXClass.

For more information, see the examples provided.

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