Hello World

Diving in

Since you are already familiar with Stimulus, lets dive right in. Add the following to your public/index.html file.

<div data-controller="hello">
  <input data-hello-target="name" type="text">
  <button data-action="click->hello#greet">Greet</button>

Now create a src/controllers/hello_controller.js.rb file with the following contents:



Once again, enter your name and press the Greet button. Check your browser’s console log.

If you have installed the stimulus starter, view the results in your browser. Modify the source and see the browser update. View the generated hello_controller.js.


Despite being written in Ruby, the code is instantly recognizable by people familiar with Stimulus. This code defines a Stimulus lifecycle method, an action method, and what Ruby calls an attribute accessor and JavaScript calls a property getter. All of which is converted to the equivalent JavaScript.

The reference to the name target is detected and the static targets array is added to the generated code.

Also, this code uses puts, which convieniently is mapped to JavaScript’s console.log.

Next: Clipboard